Schedule Hours

Business & Child Hours on daily schedules
Written by Robert
Updated 2 years ago

When creating schedules you have the opportunity to add business hours and child hours. 

We use this to calculate tax information at the end of the year. 

Business Hours

Business hours are the hours you are doing work for your child care, even if you don't have children present. 

Children Hours

Children hours are for when you expect to have children at your child care. 


You start your day at 6am getting ready for the first child to show at 7am. 

Children start to show at 7am, you take care of them until they leave. The last child is scheduled to leave at 5pm

You continue to do work after 5pm cleaning your child care from the days activities until 6pm.

In this example your business hours will be 6am - 6pm, children hours would be 7am to 5pm. 

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